Service Level Agreement Prototyping from a PSS Viewpoint: The Case of Emerson MTM

Authors: Christian Herchend and Carsten Eliasen
Supervisors: Tim McAloone and Jacob Bejbro

Companies: Emerson MTM.

Language: English

Bachelor Project
Danish Technical University, June 2013

Confidential Report.


This study concerns development of Product/Service-Systems (PSS) within the maritime industry with the intention of creating Service-Level Agreements (SLA) between the PSS provider and the customer of the PSS. It is a case study on (1) how to develop PSS as a ship supplier and (2) how to create a link between a PSS concept and an SLA prototype. This study explains the specific process of developing a PSS concept with Emerson MTM as ship supplier and PSS provider and with J. Lauritzen as ship-owner and PSS customer with the purpose of identifying which influential factors there are during such a process. Through a workshop session based on J. Lauritzens identified needs Emerson MTM creates a specific PSS concept named MTM Caretaker. This study is based on Emerson MTM’s need for a framework to discuss SLAs for PSSs with their customers. By using MTM Caretaker as an example on a PSS concept this study investigates how to create such a framework and proposes the framework called SLA-Concept. The SLA-Concept is a framework consisting of the conceptual elements in the SLA and is defined from the offerings in the corresponding PSS. The SLA-Concept therefore works as a link between PSS concepts and SLAs.

Report Cover