Development of archetypical Product/Service-System approaches for the maritime industry

Authors: Ditte Oh Yung Sook Mikkelsen
Supervisors: Niki Bey, Krestine Mougaard and Tim C. McAloone

Companies: All PROTEUS companies.

Language: English

Masters Project
Danish Technical University, April 2012


The maritime industry is influenced by the globalization creating an increasing price competition, the Danish maritime companies is therefore seeking new business opportunities, through a shift in focus from a product centric development and business making to an integrated product and service oriented business. This shift will create new market areas where they have competitive competences as e.g. within knowledge, service and quality. A harmonisation of products and services can be achieved by integrating a Product/Service- System (PSS) where products and services are seen as a system that meets customers’ requirements, needs and is able to benefit both companies and customers.
The project is carried-out in collaboration with the innovation consortium PROTEUS and therefore this report is mainly addressed for persons within PROTEUS and Danish maritime companies. Due to the project’s broad perspective, the report is written so persons and companies outside PROTEUS are able to understand the process and results.
This project aim is to develop a set of archetypical PSS approaches for the Danish maritime industry, based on knowledge and methodologies from existing PSS literature, information and analysis of the maritime companies and from a service matrix survey carried out in all of the participating companies in PROTEUS. The archetypical PSS approaches are suggested to be developed from business strategies based on the companies’ service offerings. As the project is carried out with basis in a broad range of companies from the industry the project also provides a framework that can identify common characteristics within an industry.

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