Co-creating a sustainability strategy in a Product/Service-System value-based network of stakeholders

Authors: Adrià Garcia i Mateu, Zhe Li and Petronella Tyson
Supervisors: Tony Thompson and Sophie Hallstedt

Companies: Novenco Fire Fighting A/S.

Language: English

Masters Project
Blekinge Institute of Technology, June 2012


This thesis project extends current research on how Product-Service/ Systems (PSS) increase the competitiveness of what businesses provide to society. In particular, when the significant stakeholders who create value, structured as a network, are also involved in the co-development of the value proposition. Applying the Framework for Strategic Sustainable Development (FSSD), this study looks at how the early stages of a strategic planning process for sustainability could improve this co-development of PSS. The field research helped to understand the particularities of co-developing PSS and how the planning process could be adapted using the FSSD. As a result, theoretical dimensions, and general guidelines to put these into practice, are recommended in a model. The theoretical dimensions were field tested and refined. It was discovered that when creating the aspirational goals of the network, including other perspectives, in addition to companies and the customer’s, could expand the perception of value available to be provided. To do so is proposed a systematic understanding of the situation, and its socio-ecological context, where the activities of the value-based network of stakeholders are performed.

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