Understanding Customer Relationships in a Product Service System

Authors: Povl Javier Vanegas Schmidt
Supervisors: Juliana Hsuan and Krestine Mougaard

Companies: MAN PrimeServ Frederikshavn and Alfa Laval Aalborg.

Language: Danish

Masters Project
Copenhagen Business School November 2011


This project took point of departure in supply chain relationships and focused on how product service systems are affecting the relationships needed among the supplying companies, and further more investigated what kind of critical success factors are influencing these relationships. The Customer Relationship is suggested to be conceptualized on equal terms as the product and the services. The project has applied a Relationship Measurement Tool together with an existing categorization model of services, to synthesize and conceptualize PSS. The project is carried out in collaboration with the innovation consortium PROTEUS, and one of the participating companies a supplier of propulsion systems. Within this company an in depth case study was carried out, using observation, interview and survey methods.

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