During the 21st-22nd of march PROTEUS got smarter on the notion "Service innovation" during a two day workshop, created by a collaboration between TI, Service Platform and Innovation Point.
The workshop was organised by Centre for Ideas and Innovation at the Danish Technological Institute. The workshop was a two day workshop focusing on Service Innovation, through two main themes: Service Business models and organisational strategies. At the conference the facilitator was TI´s partner Soren Kaplan from Innovation Point.
During the conference many exciting and interesting frameworks were introduced, among these were 10 Service Innovation Megatrends through which all participants were challenged by using each of these in conceptualising new ways of doing business.
The conference was rich on cases from industry: Rolls-Royce, ZipCar, Vestas, FLSmidth, Philips Elderly Home care, Open Table, Honda and many more