Register and read the full program here.
Throughout the course of the Innovation Consortium PROTEUS, we have worked together with the consortium’s ten component suppliers, two research institutions, the branch organisation Danish Maritime and technical service provider IPU, to create a series of preparatory steps towards servitisation.
From a research perspective, this action research approach has given us access to a wealth of empirical insight,
which has allowed us to understand the considerations, the decisions, the challenges and the opportunities,
when companies from the same branch take the step to servitise, or to intensify an already running programme
of servitisation.
From an industry perspective, we have focused on creating methods and tools, both as ways to gather our
empirical data and also to build and test a methodology for servitisation. Underway in the project, new suppliers
have joined us, and even customers (shipowners) have actively engaged in the consortium.
The results of the Innovation Consortium are many, which we have organised around seven main themes. Each
theme has a workbook, and each workbook has many studies, sub‐projects and academic papers behind it.
We invite you to join us at this conference, where we will remind of the first two themes (presented at our
conference in March 2013) and launch the five new themes, along with their workbooks:
• Theme 1: Maritime Branch Analysis
• Theme 2: PSS Cases from other B2B industries
• Theme 3: Gauging your Readiness for PSS – workbook launch
• Theme 4: PSS Tools – workbook launch + launch of PSS Configurator Tool
• Theme 5: Organisational Considerations for Servitisation and PSS – workbook launch
• Theme 6: PSS through Strategic Partnerships with Suppliers and Customers – workbook launch
• Theme 7: Building New Business from PSS – workbook launch