The PROTEUS Innovation Consortium's seven-book series describes to a broader audience the transition of a whole industry branch towards integrated Product/Service-System design and business development. The series is currently under development and will all be made publically available here.

Maritime Branch Analysis   A deep dive into the maritime industry in Denmark, through the lens of our ten partner companies. This report is the outcome of the descriptive explorative phase of PROTEUS. ISBN: 978-87-90416-87-4
PSS Case Book  The transformation process towards a PSS-oriented company is described, through the presentation of three best practice cases. Each case describes motivations, challenges, business models and PSS offerings. ISBN: 978-87-90416-88-1  
PSS Readiness Manual  A self-assessment and guidance workbook, for a producer/supplier to begin to prepare the transition from product- to product/service-system development. ISBN: 978-87-90416-89-8
PSS Tool Book  A catalogue of tried-and-tested tools and methods towards PSS development, with examples of implementation and a recommended methodology for application.  ISBN: 978-87-90416-90-4
PSS Organisation  A look at how to assess a company’s PSS potential and description of important organisational capabilities, issues and actions for the PSS providing company. ISBN: 978-87-90416-91-1
PSS Partnerships  A description of how partnering with suppliers and customers can enchance the effects and values of PSS offerings, including tools and techniques to use in establishing such partnerships. ISBN: 978-87-90416-92-8
PSS Business Models  A step-by-step guide to the strategic planning and development of PSS solutions, providing a process-oriented view on PSS business model types. ISBN: 978-87-90416-93-5